Child Custody

St. Louis Child Support Enforcement Lawyer

St. Louis Child Support Enforcement Lawyer

When you are responsible for the well-being of your child, every penny counts. Expenses can be considerable, and you should not be expected to handle the burden alone. Unfortunately, some parents who are required to pay support do not fulfill their responsibilities. These situations can be emotionally taxing, and direct, heated exchanges with the delinquent parent are usually counterproductive. Under these circumstances, a St. Louis child support enforcement lawyer can provide the necessary assistance. A well-versed family law ally can handle the legalities of your case so you can focus on your child’s day-to-day needs. Child Support Parameters A parent who has physical custody is expected to spend their own money for the benefit of their child. These expenditures may include rent or mortgage, utilities,…

St. Louis Child Support Modification Lawyer

St. Louis Child Support Modification Lawyer

Missouri state law allows modifications to be made to existing child support arrangements in certain circumstances. If you are seeking to modify your current child support arrangement or your former spouse is requesting a modification and you wish to contest it, it is wise to consult with a seasoned family law attorney. A St. Louis child support modification lawyer can review the details of your case and explain what the next steps may entail. Requirements to Alter Child Support Certain requirements must be met in order to modify child support arrangements. While either parent may file for a modification, adjustments can only be made to a child support order if a substantial and continuous change in either party’s or your child’s circumstances has occurred to…

St. Louis Child Custody Modification Lawyer

St. Louis Child Custody Modification Lawyer

While child custody orders are final once entered by a St. Louis family law court, specific changes in one or both parent’s circumstances could serve as a basis for a modification of your custody order. It is crucial to consult with a dedicated family law attorney if you are interested in filing a request for a child custody modification. A knowledgeable St. Louis child custody modification lawyer can advise you on your available legal options and promote the best interests of your child or children. Contested Versus Uncontested Custody Modifications While some child custody disputes involve issues such as where the child will live when a parent wishes to move out of state, other modifications concern which parent the child will be with on any…

St. Louis Child Custody Enforcement Lawyer

St. Louis Child Custody Enforcement Lawyer

If a parent fails to comply with their child custody order, they could be held in contempt of court and face additional legal punishments through a family access motion. If you need help enforcing your current parenting time arrangement, a St. Louis child custody enforcement lawyer can provide effective legal representation. A family law attorney who is well-versed in the state’s child custody laws can explain the legal issues involved in your case and your options for filing a motion requesting enforcement of your arrangement.  Overview of Child Custody Arrangements in St. Louis There are two types of child custody to be aware of in St. Louis. Legal custody refers to a parent’s decision-making authority regarding the child’s health and well-being. On the other hand,…

Best interest of the child

How Does Missouri Determine the Best Interest of a Child?

The term “Best Interests of a Child” is commonly used in child custody cases in Missouri.  But how does the state determine what is in the best interest of your child? The process may seem complex, but let’s break it down for you. The 50-50 Presumption Missouri operates under a new statute that presumes a 50-50 custody arrangement. It presumes that both parents will have equal parenting time. There must be significant reasons to deviate from this. However, a court can consider other factors if there are questions about a 50-50 arrangement. Factors Considered by the Court The Missouri statute outlines eight crucial factors that the court examines: 1. Parental Wishes and Proposed Parenting Plan The court can consider the parents’ custody wishes. It can…

child support laws

5 Things To Know About Child Support In Missouri

If you find yourself wondering why you have to pay child support in Missouri, you’re not alone. This article is here to make things clearer for you. We’ll explore why child support exists and how it operates, breaking it down into simple terms. 1. Why Do You Have to Pay Child Support? In a nutshell, you must pay child support because this ensures your child’s lifestyle doesn’t change drastically when going between homes. The aim is to equalize their living conditions at each parent’s house. The purpose of child support is to assist with the child’s basic needs, such as food, housing, utilities, and clothing. 2. How Is Child Support Calculated in Missouri? Child support calculations in Missouri are based on the Form 14.  The…

child centered divorce

How Can I Have a Child-Centered Divorce?

Going through a divorce is tough, especially when there are children involved. Choosing a child-centered divorce approach involves prioritizing your child’s needs over personal desires and conflicts. Here are some steps you can take to ensure your divorce is centered around the well-being of your children. Advantages of a Child-Centered Approach In the midst of divorce, choosing a child-centered approach requires commitment, collaboration, and a genuine focus on your child’s needs. By following these steps and involving professionals, you can navigate the challenging process with the best interests of your child at heart, fostering a healthier future for everyone involved. Contact Family Ally Today If you have questions or need legal assistance regarding divorce or any other family law matter, please contact Jennifer Piper at 314-449-9800 to…

Father walking with his children during the holiday season.

7 Tips for Divorce and the Holidays

Divorce brings a whirlwind of emotions and challenges, and when the holiday season approaches, it can feel especially overwhelming. Whether you’re in the midst of a divorce or you’ve already finalized it, here are some tips for how to prepare for the holidays in a way that prioritizes your children’s well-being and helps you find a sense of peace during this time of change. Ultimately, the key to navigating the holidays after a divorce is to prioritize the well-being and emotional stability of your children. Keep lines of communication open with your co-parent, plan ahead, and be sensitive to your children’s needs and feelings during this time of transition. By doing so, you can help create a positive and enjoyable holiday experience for your family,…

A parent holding the hand of a young child with a backpack

The Benefits of Hiring a Parenting Coordinator in Missouri: A Guide for Co-Parents

As a co-parent, navigating the complexities of shared custody can be challenging. It is not uncommon for disagreements and conflicts to arise when making decisions about child custody and visitation. One solution that may help to resolve these issues is to hire a parenting coordinator. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive guide to the benefits of hiring a parenting coordinator in Missouri, including what a parenting coordinator is, how they differ from a mediator, the legal aspects of parenting coordination, what to look for when choosing a parenting coordinator, how to work effectively with them, and tips for navigating the parenting coordination process in Missouri. Introducing the Role of a Parenting Coordinator in Missouri A parenting coordinator is a neutral third-party professional who…

Remote Custody Lawyers in St. Louis

Alternative Communications with Children during Covid-19

The current pandemic has made it difficult for some parents to spend time with their children. While the Courts have made it clear that they expect existing custody orders to be followed during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Stay at Home Orders, issues may still arise that make it difficult for parents to exchange children during this time. For example, one parent may have been exposed and be required to self-quarantine while the children were with the other parent, and the children may not be able to immediately come over; children may be required to quarantine with a particular parent if they were exposed while with that parent; or the parties may simply be unable to travel at this time. This could result in one…