Alternative Dispute Resolution

At Family Ally, we understand the emotional and procedural hurdles that accompany the dissolution of a marriage. Our commitment is to help you find mutually agreeable solutions without the need for a trial through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Alternative Dispute Resolution focuses on open communication and compromise. Our goal is to guide you through a smoother divorce process rather than a drawn out battle in court.

Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution

When a divorce goes to a court in the St. Louis area, judges make binding decisions on issues such as dividing your property, child custody, and child support or spousal support. Unfortunately, these decisions may not align with you or your spouse’s preferences, leading to dissatisfaction and added stress. Court litigation is also expensive, time-consuming, and intrusive into your privacy.

Opting for Alternative Dispute Resolution offers several advantages:

  • Cost and Time Efficiency: ADR is typically more cost-effective and faster than court litigation.
  • Confidentiality: ADR takes place in private settings, ensuring your negotiations remain confidential.
  • Customized Solutions: The solutions discussed during ADR sessions are non-binding until both parties formalize their agreement.
  • Maintained Privacy: Your personal matters stay out of the public eye, preserving your privacy.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Using ADR allows you to schedule meetings based on your schedule. Judges’ schedules determine when you must be in court.

ADR Options

Alternative Dispute Resolution encompasses various methods to privately resolve contentious marital issues outside of court. At Family Ally, we our practice uses the following ADR methods:

  • Mediation: A neutral third-party mediator facilitates open communication between spouses, aiming to foster understanding and compromise. This can occur before or after filing for divorce.
  • Arbitration: Involves hiring a neutral third party who acts as a judge to make binding decisions. Not all divorce matters can be submitted to arbitration.
  • Collaborative Divorce: Similar to mediation, collaborative divorce involves both parties reaching an agreement before filing for divorce. Each party has a collaborative lawyer, a financial expert, and a mental health expert forming a supportive “Team.”

Discuss Your ADR Options

While ADR is a valuable approach for many couples, it may not suit all situations. If you and your spouse have concerns about good faith engagement, traditional court litigation might be more suitable.

Contact an Experienced St. Louis Family Law Attorney Today

At Family Ally, we can help you determine the best path forward. Whether through ADR or traditional litigation, we are dedicated to guiding you through the divorce process with professionalism and care. Contact us today to explore the possibility of an efficient and amicable resolution for your divorce or family law dispute.