Collaborative Divorce


The Value of a Financial Neutral in Divorce

Divorce can be tough, especially when it comes to sorting out money matters. That’s where a neutral financial professional comes in. They’re like a trusted guide, helping both sides understand everything about their finances. Let’s talk about why having a financial neutral can make a significant difference in making sure everything’s fair and clear during a divorce. Transparency is Key When there is a financial neutral in the mix, there is no hiding assets or confusion about financial matters. The financial professional will facilitate open discussions, ensuring that you and your spouse understand the full scope of your financial situation. From properties to investments to debts, everything is laid out on the table for clear, transparent decision-making. Expertise Beyond Attorneys While lawyers provide legal expertise,…

Why I’m Participating in Divorce with Respect Week

Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of a contentious divorce. As a child of parents who engaged in bitter litigation, I experienced the emotional toll it took on our family. The constant conflict, animosity, and tension created a toxic environment that left lasting scars on everyone involved. My own experiences fueled my passion for advocating for a better way to navigate divorce – one that prioritizes respect, empathy, and collaboration. What is Divorce with Respect Week? After over 20 years of practicing law, primarily in litigation-focused cases, I’ve come to realize that there is a better way to handle divorce. Divorce with Respect Week is a national initiative that aims to raise awareness about the Collaborative Divorce process and alternative dispute resolution methods….

St. Louis Attorney Jennifer Piper Joins Divorce With Respect Week™ Initiative

St. Louis Attorney Jennifer Piper Joins Divorce With Respect Week™ Initiative

In collaboration with Divorce with Respect Week™, St. Louis Attorney and Family Ally, Jennifer Piper is joining divorce professionals nationwide to offer free 30-minute virtual divorce consultations between March 4 and 8, 2024.  During these consultations, she will meet virtually with anyone seeking to better understand the divorce process and options for how they might divorce. “Divorce With Respect Week™ is the perfect way to draw attention to the Collaborative Divorce process, which helps families avoid the damage of drawn-out court battles,” said Jennifer Piper. “I think this is a great opportunity for couples facing the reality of divorce to each talk separately with an attorney or to speak with a Divorce Financial Professional or Divorce Coach and learn more about how an out of…

Collaborative Divorce

Why You Should Choose Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce is a divorce process that has gained popularity because it offers a more amicable and efficient way to navigate the divorce process versus the option of going to court. Here are some of the benefits of Collaborative Divorce: 1. Control and Privacy One of the primary advantages of opting for Collaborative Divorce is the increased level of control over the proceedings. Collaborative Divorce empowers you to have more say in the decisions that will shape your future. Unlike the public nature of courtroom proceedings, Collaborative Divorce offers a significant degree of privacy, preventing personal details and sensitive information from becoming public knowledge. This includes financial records, medical information, and other confidential aspects that you may not want to share publicly. 2. Open Communication…

Divorce Settlement Obstacles

6 Obstacles to Reaching a Divorce Settlement

Reaching a settlement in a divorce case will always present some challenges along the way. There are some obstacles we often see that can be avoided if you know what they are. These obstacles can range from personal attitudes to complex emotional issues. Understanding the obstacles is the first step toward addressing them and ultimately achieving a successful divorce settlement. While reaching a divorce settlement is challenging, it’s possible to overcome obstacles with the right approach and support. Open communication, cooperation, and a commitment to finding common ground are key factors in reaching a successful divorce settlement. Additionally, the Collaborative Divorce process can provide valuable assistance in addressing emotional and interpersonal hurdles that may arise during divorce proceedings. Contact Family Ally If you have questions or need…