
Parenting Plan

What Is a Parenting Plan?

Co-parenting after a divorce or separation can be complex, but a well-crafted parenting plan will provide the clarity and structure needed to make it work for the benefit of your children.  Let’s explore what parenting plans are all about and why they are so important. Understanding Parenting Plans: At its core, a parenting plan is a detailed document that outlines how separated or divorced parents will share the responsibilities of raising their children. It’s essentially a roadmap for co-parenting, covering a wide range of aspects to ensure smooth cooperation between parents. Key Components of a Parenting Plan: Why Parenting Plans Matter: A parenting plan serves as a crucial tool for promoting stability and reducing conflict in co-parenting situations. By clearly outlining expectations and responsibilities, it…

Parenting coordinator

What Is A Parenting Coordinator?

Parenting after a divorce or separation can be an overwhelming task, especially when disagreements arise regarding children’s schedules, activities, or healthcare. You may consider a parenting coordinator, a professional trained in mediation and conflict resolution, who is equipped to help you and your co-parent manage these challenging situations. What is a Parenting Coordinator? A parenting coordinator can be either an attorney or a mental health professional. Their primary role is to assist you in resolving disputes and improving communication regarding co-parenting responsibilities. Unlike a traditional court process, a parenting coordinator offers a quicker and often more accessible avenue for resolving conflicts. What Does a Parenting Coordinator Do? How Does It Work? Benefits of Parenting Coordination In conclusion, parenting coordinators play a vital role in facilitating…

Co-Parenting and Summer

8 Tips for Co-Parenting This Summer

As the temperatures rise and the school bells ring their final chime, summer heralds a season of change for co-parents. Whether you are a seasoned pro or new to the co-parenting game, ensuring a harmonious summer for you, your ex, and most importantly, your children, requires careful planning and communication. Here are 8 essential tips to help you move through the summer months with ease: By following these summer co-parenting tips, you can navigate the season with confidence and create lasting memories for your child. Remember, cooperation and communication are the cornerstones of successful co-parenting, ensuring that every summer is filled with warmth, joy, and cherished moments for your family. Contact Family Ally If you have questions or need legal assistance regarding co-parenting, divorce or…


Divorce in the Age of Equal Parenting

Divorce is a significant life event that can bring about many changes, especially when children are involved. In today’s world, the concept of equal parenting is reshaping the landscape of custody arrangements and how divorcing couples navigate the process. The Rise of Equal Parenting Equal parenting, also known as shared parenting, moves away from the traditional notion of one parent having primary custody while the other has visitation rights. Instead, it emphasizes a more balanced approach, aiming for a 50-50 split in parenting time unless circumstances dictate otherwise. This shift is based on the idea that both parents play essential roles in a child’s life and should share responsibilities equally whenever possible. Judicial Trends and Equal Parenting One significant impact of this shift is the…

Co-Parenting after divorce

Co-Parenting After Divorce: A Guide for St. Louis Families

When children are involved in a divorce it can make the divorce process even more difficult.  But once the legal proceedings are over, the real work of co-parenting begins. Here are six tips to help you and your ex navigate this challenging journey: 1. Avoid Assumptions It is easy to fall into the trap of assuming the worst about your ex-spouse but try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Keeping an open mind can lead to better communication and less conflict. 2. Maintain Professionalism Treat your co-parenting relationship like a business partnership. This means keeping communication respectful and avoiding sending angry emails or texts that could escalate tensions. 3. Be Respectful Demonstrate respect in all aspects of your interactions. This includes your communication…