
St. Louis Post-Divorce Disputes Lawyer

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While a divorce decree is legally binding on both parties, it is not necessarily permanent. Some divorce terms can be modified after the dissolution of marriage, especially when there are children involved. If you feel as though a modification of your divorce order is necessary, you should let a skilled family law attorney help determine whether your circumstances qualify you to make chances. A St. Louis post-divorce lawyer can evaluate the facts of your situation and advise you on the best way to move forward with requesting a modification. Spousal Maintenance Maintenance is paid from one spouse to the other after the dissolution of their marriage. Modifiable maintenance is common is Missouri. You may need to go back to Court to seek to have maintenance…
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St. Louis Paternity Lawyer

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Establishing the paternity of a child is an important part of a father’s ability to exercise his parental rights. Only legally acknowledged fathers can exercise custody or visitation rights. Additionally, mothers may have a more difficult time obtaining child support from men who are not the legal fathers of their children. Paternity can be established by having a child while married, through a voluntary written acknowledgment, or through a family court case. A St. Louis paternity lawyer can help you establish your paternal rights. One of our steadfast family law advisors can also help you refute demands for child support. What Rights and Obligations Do Fathers Have? Missouri Revised Statutes §452.340 requires that every father is responsible for financially supporting his children. Fathers with legally…
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St. Louis Child Support Lawyer

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Child support is based on the legal theory that parents who do not live together should both support their children financially. It is a recurring payment made by one parent to the other to help them cover expenses associated with raising a child and to ensure that the children have the same standard of living in each household. When setting an amount for child support, a judge must examine the incomes of both parents, the number of children involved, and the existing custody arrangement, among other factors. You should contact a St. Louis child support lawyer for help with requesting financial assistance from your child’s other parent, modifying an existing court order, or improving your understanding of how it can be enforced. Regardless of your…
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St. Louis Child Support Enforcement Lawyer

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When you are responsible for the well-being of your child, every penny counts. Expenses can be considerable, and you should not be expected to handle the burden alone. Unfortunately, some parents who are required to pay support do not fulfill their responsibilities. These situations can be emotionally taxing, and direct, heated exchanges with the delinquent parent are usually counterproductive. Under these circumstances, a St. Louis child support enforcement lawyer can provide the necessary assistance. A well-versed family law ally can handle the legalities of your case so you can focus on your child’s day-to-day needs. Child Support Parameters A parent who has physical custody is expected to spend their own money for the benefit of their child. These expenditures may include rent or mortgage, utilities,…
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St. Louis Child Support Modification Lawyer

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Missouri state law allows modifications to be made to existing child support arrangements in certain circumstances. If you are seeking to modify your current child support arrangement or your former spouse is requesting a modification and you wish to contest it, it is wise to consult with a seasoned family law attorney. A St. Louis child support modification lawyer can review the details of your case and explain what the next steps may entail. Requirements to Alter Child Support Certain requirements must be met in order to modify child support arrangements. While either parent may file for a modification, adjustments can only be made to a child support order if a substantial and continuous change in either party’s or your child’s circumstances has occurred to…
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St. Louis Child Custody Modification Lawyer

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While child custody orders are final once entered by a St. Louis family law court, specific changes in one or both parent’s circumstances could serve as a basis for a modification of your custody order. It is crucial to consult with a dedicated family law attorney if you are interested in filing a request for a child custody modification. A knowledgeable St. Louis child custody modification lawyer can advise you on your available legal options and promote the best interests of your child or children. Contested Versus Uncontested Custody Modifications While some child custody disputes involve issues such as where the child will live when a parent wishes to move out of state, other modifications concern which parent the child will be with on any…
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St. Louis Child Custody Enforcement Lawyer

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If a parent fails to comply with their child custody order, they could be held in contempt of court and face additional legal punishments through a family access motion. If you need help enforcing your current parenting time arrangement, a St. Louis child custody enforcement lawyer can provide effective legal representation. A family law attorney who is well-versed in the state’s child custody laws can explain the legal issues involved in your case and your options for filing a motion requesting enforcement of your arrangement.  Overview of Child Custody Arrangements in St. Louis There are two types of child custody to be aware of in St. Louis. Legal custody refers to a parent’s decision-making authority regarding the child’s health and well-being. On the other hand,…
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Best interest of the child

How Does Missouri Determine the Best Interest of a Child?

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The term “Best Interests of a Child” is commonly used in child custody cases in Missouri.  But how does the state determine what is in the best interest of your child? The process may seem complex, but let’s break it down for you. The 50-50 Presumption Missouri operates under a new statute that presumes a 50-50 custody arrangement. It presumes that both parents will have equal parenting time. There must be significant reasons to deviate from this. However, a court can consider other factors if there are questions about a 50-50 arrangement. Factors Considered by the Court The Missouri statute outlines eight crucial factors that the court examines: 1. Parental Wishes and Proposed Parenting Plan The court can consider the parents’ custody wishes. It can…
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